I’ve been following Dr. Wayne Dyer’s teaching and his Ah meditation for a while.
I am a computer artist working in Canada. I’ve been impressed his Ah meditation so much. I decided to translate Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Ah meditation to share especially for Koreans who don’t speak English.
I rerecorded and modified it for Koreans to understand better. This is only for a reference of Wayne Dyer’s Ah meditation. Please if you are interested in this, I have a direct link to the original mediation by Wayne Dyer. Hope this could be an opportunity for you to explore how to manifest for your happy life and a chance to learn why meditation has to be a part of our life.
I hope you enjoy. Thank you.
저는 웨인 다이어 박사의 가르침과 그의 ‘아’ 명상을 작년부터 실행하고 있었습니다.
저는 캐나다와 미국에서 일하고있는 컴퓨터 아티스트입니다. 저는 그의 가르침과 특히 ‘아’ 명상에 매우 감동했으며 명상으로인한 저의 삶의 놀라운 변화에 감사하며 영어를 못하는 한국인들을 위해 웨인 다이어 박사의 아 명상을 번역, 재녹음하기로 결심했습니다.
한국인이 더 잘 이해하도록 재 나름대로 수정했습니다. 이 비디오는 단지 웨인 다이어의 아 명상을 알리기 위한 것입니다. 혹 관심이 있으시다면, 웨인 다이어의 원래의 명상을 직접 링크를하시기 바랍니다. 이 명상이 우리의 행복한 삶을 위해, 우리의 삶의 중요한 일부가 되야하는 이유를 배울 수있는 기회가 될 수있는 계기가 되길바랍니다.
Most of my life I have been drawn to mediation as a way to possibly learn about life’s deeper meaning. When I was in my early 20’s I was committed to full time mediation for 2 years. I always thought the genuine routine of human beings that we know doesn’t seem to be enough. Some of the biggest things I don’t understand are getting old, being sick and the meaning of the death. Perhaps most people accept this as it is a natural phenomenon. Not for me. I guess I can’t do much about it because I don’t know the answers yet. But I can’t stop questioning.
I was doing sound meditation for a while with Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Aah / Om meditation. I always enjoyed being in nature and listening to nature. My eyes and ears are always looking out for answers to these questions I have. I didn’t even know how to write them in words. Following Dr. Wayne Dyer, gave me the eyes to read my questions and now I am learning some new mediations. I know my ears will be able to listen for what I’ve been seeking my whole life.
Dr. Pillai’s teaching is to enable the mind to conceive.
Recently I started taking a meditation journey with Dr. Pillai. I really enjoy his teaching. They help to clear my thoughts and get them in order. I decided to write about my studies and experience while I am doing this course to share with others.
The sound = intelligence = creation.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” ( John 1:1)
“And what is the word? It just a sound. Sound waves is matter. They are the fundamental vibrations that creates matter. What these vibrations of the strings are. That’s consciousness. Therefore sound waves are consciousness. And Through sound waves you can create everything.“
Thought becomes matter.
“Everything is just the thought. We should know where to put the thought.”
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” – Albert Einstein.
My first week:
I spent my first week overviewing my lessons. This is the first lesson that was given to me. I had to research some of the basics of Hinduism because I didn’t have any background in it. Below are the first meditations for my first week.
Protection Meditation: No dark force can come into your system.
To help you move through any resistance and prepare you for the main teaching modules.
4 Concentric circles protection Technique
1st sphere of light (outermost sphere/circle) represents Hanuman’s energy.
Hanuman : A Hindu god and an ardent devotee of Rama. Hanuman participated in Rama’s war against the demon king Ravana.
Chant: Om Gadhaya Hoom Phat
Visualize: the Gadha weapon
2nd sphere of light represents Vishnu’s energy.
Vishnu : A Hindu god. He is conceived as “the Preserver or the Protector” within the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the divinity.
Chant: Om Sudarshanaya Hoom Phat
Visualize: the Sudarshan Chakra or Disc weapon
3rd sphere of light represents Shiva’s energy
Shiva: also known as Mahadeva (“Great God”).
Chant: Om Vetri Vel Hoom Phat
Visualize: Vel weapon self-spinning
4th sphere of light represents Muruga’s energy
Muruga: The Ever-Merciful Lord
Chant: Om Vetri Vel Hoom Phat, Om Peacock Hoom Phat, Om Rooster Hoom Phat.
Visualize: Vel weapon
Do this 4 Concentric Circles Protection Technique first before anything
저는 어릴때부터 질문이 유독하게도 많은 아이였습니다. 특히 우리는 무엇을 위해서 태어났는지, 산다는 건 무엇인지, 죽는다는 건 무슨 의미가 있는건지. 이 자연의 이치를 보면 모든 존재하는것들은 뚜렷한 삶의 의미가 있고 또한 그들의 할일이 아주 분명하게 정해져있고 자연스럽게 그들이 해야할일들을 합니다. 예를 들어 일본의 해변에서 부화하는 바다거북이들은 북미대륙 서해안, California, Mexico로 8000 miles 이나 되는 open ocean을 GPS는 물론 아무 guide도 없이 항해를 합니다. 그리고 성장한후 다시 일본으로 돌아온답니다. 과학이 발달됨에 따라 우리는 엄청나게 많은 자연의 신비와 기적들을 듣습니다. 어릴 때, 저는, 세상에서 새들이 가장 위대한 동물들의 왕이라고 생각했습니다. 얼마나 대단하면 날개를 주어서 날아가게 할까! 어릴때 아버지의 우산을 들고 창문에서 뛰어내릴정도로 자유롭게 날아다니는 새들을 저는 매우 흠모했습니다. 그렇다면 우리 인간은 왜 이렇게 다른것인지, 한국사람이라면 짜장면과 짬뽕을 두고 고민을 안해보신 분은 없을겁니다. 인간은 왜 이리도 복잡하게 사는지. 왜 우리는 스스로 생각할수 있는 능력이 주어져있고 항상 선택을 해야하는 위치에 있을는건지? 도대체 이것은 무엇을 의미하는것인지?
1년 전, 약 4년동안 혈압약을 복용하고있던 저는 우리의 신체에 많은 관심을 갖게 돠었습니다. 특히 우리몸의 재생능력에 관해 공부를 많이했습니다. 우리몸은 생길 병의 치유방법을 이미 알고있는듯, 그 재생에 필요한 물질들을 즉각발동시켜서 치료함을 알게되었고 저의 고혈압도 쉽게 음식조절로 고치게 되었습니다. 그러나 아무리 식사조절을 잘해도 엄청난 스트래스를 받고 나면 다시 혈압이 올라감을 체험했습니다. 강아지가 오로지 주인의 기분을 살피듯 우리의 몸도 우리의 마음에 따라 컨디션을 바꾸는 것 같았습니다. 그러다가 인간 게놈 프로젝트 결과에 관해 읽게 되었고 많은 질병의 원인이 유전자 염색체라는 것도 알게되었습니다. 현대 과학적으로도 증명된 우리몸속의 엄청난 기능뿐아닌 우리의 생각, 느낌, 우리의 3-4대에 걸친 조상들의 생활습관은 물론이고 그들의 사고개념까지도 그들 후손의 몸과 마음에 큰 영향을 끼친다고 합니다. 지금의 현대의학은 그래서 유전학에 많은 집중을 두고 있습니다. 도대체 우리 인간이 무엇이기에 이런 엄청난 일들이 우리 개개인의 몸에서 일어나고 있는지. 저는 이러한 몸을 가지고 있는 제 자신이 매우 특별하게 느껴졌습니다. 우리의 몸이 이정도라면 우리의 두뇌는 도대체 상상이상이겠구나 싶었습니다.
흥분된 감정으로 우리의 마음 공부를 시작했습니다. 그런데 희한한건 꼭 누군가 절 인도하는 듯한 느낌이 들었습니다. 한가지를 깨닫고나서, 질문이 생기면 기다렸다는 듯 어디에선가 항상 답이 기다리고 있었습니다. 그런가보다하고 계속해서 공부했고 많은 위대하신 과학자, 철학자, 신학자분들의 지혜로운 말씀을 차례대로 접하게 되었습니다. 마지막으로 Stephen Hopkins’의 Big Bang Theory 을 접하게 되었을 때 그분이 언급한 “Creator” 이라는 단어가 가슴 깊이 다가왔습니다. 몇날밤은 고민하다 아무래도 창세기를 읽어봐야 다음단계로 갈수 있겠다라는 생각이 들었습니다. 결과과 좀 당황스러웠지만 이왕 공부시작한김에 베스트셀러 book 읽는다는 셈치고 읽기시작했습니다.창세기를 읽고 또 나머지의 성경책을 제 나름대로 속독하고 얼마나 기쁘고 신기했는지 지금도 그 기분이 생생합니다. 모든것이 제가 이해할수있는 범위안에서 앞뒤가 정확히 맞아떨어지는 것을 느꼈습니다.
하나님의 형상으로 인간을 만드셨으니 우리몸의 엄청난 기능을 가지고 있는것은 당연한것이고 우리는 그 몸에 거룩하신 성령님을 주인으로 모시어 몸과 마음을 다스리고 하나님의 거룩한 성품을 배워 참된 하나님의 사람으로 다시 거듭나야하는것이 그것이 우리 인간의 참됨 삶의 의미이고 목적이구나 함을 깨달았습니다.
자연스럽게 무릎을 끓고 하나님을 진심으로 인정하고 영접하게 되었습니다. 기도를 어떻게 해야하는지 몰랐고 그래서 하나님과는 친아버지와 대화하는 식으로 기도하다가 그렇게 몇주를 보냈습니다. 그러다가 성경을 제대로 읽어야하는데 너무 어려워서 도와줄 분들을 찾다가 목사님들을 만나게 되었습니다. 특히 사랑교회에 와서 우리 김성수목사님 만나 기본적인 하나님말씀에 대해서 정말 제대로 공부하는 기회를 가졌고 또한 하나님을 믿는 분들의 진실한 모습도 가까이 보게되었습니다.
오늘 저는 하나님의 자녀로 살고 있습니다. 얼마나 기쁘고 감사드리는지, 끊임없이 반복되는 질문들에서 벗어나 이제는 방향이 잡힌 질문들로 하루하루 하나님 말씀 배우며 행하는 삶을 살도록 노력하겠습니다. 하나님이 항상 나와 동행하신다는 것을 느낍니다. 미처 내가 기도하지 못했던 그런 기도제목들까지도 하나도 빠짐없이 응답해주시고, 제 삶을 늘 좋은 길로 인도하시고, 좋은 사람들을 만나게 해주시는 주님의 배려와 보살핌에 늘 감사합니다. 주님을 믿고 주와 함께 동행하는 것이 저의 기쁨이며, 주님은 나의 기댈곳이요, 기쁨이시며, 사랑이십니다. 하나님 감사드립니다.
그리고 이번 7개월 동안 따뜻하게 대해주시고 좋은 말씀으로 신앙생활의 모범을 보여주신 모든 사랑교회분들과 목사님께 진심으로 감사드립니다.
This is the list of “super foods” I’ve researched. I have simplified them using images below. When I am at the grocery store shopping and I’m not sure what to get, this list helps me to buy foods that will be as healthy as possible.
I am new in town to Montreal, Canada. Because I am not sure how long I am going to be here, I did not move my kitchen from LA. Basically I have nothing to cook with. It was challenging for me in the beginning. I was continuously hungry and my tummy was not tolerant with outside food. However, I still want to eat well and enjoy the food that the locals in Montreal have to offer. I did some research and my new eating method seems to be working. It is very simple, efficient and free from animal product!
Last Saturday my new dear friend Deva was talking about her experience doing a subbody butoh. It sounded so unique, I decided to try it out.
The class was 3 hours long and we were about 10 people.
In the beginning of the class, I was told to try to be calm, listen to my inner body and move in 4 different simple directions ( forward/backward, left/right circles) . I was laying down and tring to do what the instructor asked me to do but I was not sure what I was suppose to do at all. After a bit of rest we started movement with the head, shoulders and other body parts one by one.
Slowly I felt changes in my body and mind. It felt empty, dark and calm. My instructor told me to stand up. I felt like a baby trying to stand up for the first time. I moved my body but it was very hard. She told us to try to walk like it’s the first time in my life. I didn’t really need to try because actually it was like my first time. When I tried to take my first step, I lifted one leg up and then I did not know whether to put my heell or my toes down first. Keeping my balance was very challenging, yet I didn’t seem to mind and I kept trying. I didn’t have many thoughts in my mind besides figuring out how to walk. I was doing what I was told and that is all I could think of. Really, it was that simple. Soon my body figured out how to put my weight on the other leg and take the other leg off from the floor. Now that I think of it again, I think I walked like a zombie. It really wasn’t easy. I felt my body was too heavy for my legs and it was difficult to keep balance. I kept concentrating, listening to my body and moving my body with her direction.
I was not sure where I was. But I felt as if I was traveling inside my body without my self-consciousness. There was only my subconscious self. It was me, yet I had no body, will or self-awareness. I could be anything: stone, water an animal or plant and so on. I felt like I was in a confined dark space yet I couldn’t say where the end was. My instructors voice was my only direction. Without her voice I would have had no will to exit the emptiness.
My instructor told me to draw a painting in the space. She had us a pair up in two. We became a model for each other and started to draw each other’s shape. I am actually an artist but this is much different. As soon as I was told to draw my subconscious made me that artist. I drew lines through my subconscious eyes. I had no shame or concerns with what I was doing. I just did what I was told. It was just drawing with my whole being in this multi dimensional space. Simple.That is what it was.
The class was coming to end and I was back to my own consciousness. What an experience!
Everyday lots of miracles are happening in the natural world. Birds are traveling across half of the world yet they never lose their way. A Frog’s heart stops during the winter yet he is alive and kicking again in spring. My experience of Butoh was entering my subbody, that was not driven by my body, mind or soul. A blank canvas waiting for a sign to draw on. I am wondering if humans are the only creatures not driven by the creators purpose for their existence?
We are the only creatures that train their souls to be wise. Only humans desire to know the truth. We are the only ones that want to get closer to rightness. Therefore my question is: Why are we so special from all other creatures? Why are we given this phenomenal will to change. What does the creator want us to draw on our canvas?
This Butoh experience reminded me of when I was a little. I was always wondering about the meaning of why I was born and the life I have. Do I need to prove something while I live? Finally why do I have to die? Logically, if there is a start then there must be a end. I am not too convinced that death is the end. It doesn’t seem right. Certainly it was not my intention to be born. Nor will it be my intention to die. But while I live, I can make choices for my life to make changes. I have been given the right to control my life. We could be driven by the creator like any other creatures but we are not. Then why? It seems there must a reason. We must discipline our daily lives and continuously seek the answers.
These are my notes what I believe that the best foods to eat are to enhance our immune system against cancer. Writing in English is still a challenge for me and even worse with biology words so please bear it with me. It is only going to be better.
The adult human body is made up of about 60-90 trillion cells and over 200 different kind of cells. In means, if you lined up all the cells in a human body end-to-end, you could actually circle the earth 4.5 times. So keeping your health well also means that you are protecting your healthy cells. The question is how we can keep our cells safe. One of most important part thing of the cell is the cell surface. Because the antenna on the cell surface is a key to healthy development and disease prevention.
Next one is Mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy factories of the cells. The cell will have a lot of structures that are capable of producing a high amount of available energy.
Therefore, “the best food” means that has a lot of materials which will protect our cells. We also need to know what will destroys our cells.
Free Radicals are the most harmful thing our body ever produced. It destroys our cell surface, Mitochondrial and does damage to our DNA. It plays a role in inflammatory disease and progression to cancer. The amount of Free Radicals our body produces is depend on our life style. Our body produce more if you do over eating, over working and are stressed etc. It is important how much Free Radicals are been produced and it is also important the direction it takes.
Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur.
Therefore the good food which protect our cells from free radicals. Which we call phenolic compounds. Natural phenolic compounds play an important role in cancer prevention and treatment. What it does is it accepts the free radical into them and it changes to something which doesn’t harm to our body. Therefore one of the most important ways to keep our health is to have the phenolic compounds. So the best food for us should have a lot of the natural phenolic compounds.
“Phenols are one of the major groups of nonessential dietary components appearing in vegetable foods. They are a wide chemical compounds group that are considered as secondary plant metabolites, with different activity and chemical structure, including more than 8,000 different compounds. Phenols, has traditionally been considered as antinutritive compounds due to the adverse effect of one of their main components, tannins, on protein digestibility. However, actually there is an increased interest in these compounds because they have been associated with the inhibition of atherosclerosis and cancer. The bioactivity of phenolics may be related to their antioxidant behaviour, which is attributed to their ability to chelate metals, inhibit lipoxygenase and scavenge free radicals. This review make a global view on the main phenolic compound groups, their organoleptic effects in vegetable foods, their physiological effects in humans, their metabolism, bioavailability as well as their content in the diet.”
The Top 3 Phenols in Food
1. Vitamin C – Most common in vegetable and fruits
2. Vitamin E – in Rice Germ, bean etc
3. Beta Carotene – food that has color ( orange, yellow, purple etc)
One important thing: Even though they are the most important food for our diet, but if you eat too much of them, it wont work. ( Yes, it is very difficult to control the amount of food we eat. It is very important to know what effect is has on us by doing this. )
It looks like the most common food is the one we need for our diet.They seem to be everywhere for everyone. As long as we keep to enhancing our immune systems, our bodies will take care by themselves. The question is what we going to do about it.
This is my personal story of how looking at the food I eat has helped me to improve my health.
I am a computer animation artist working on movies and living in Los Angeles. I’ve been working pretty much non stop for the last 11 years in 3 different countries. Like most people, I’ve spent most of my time at work and on other “high” priority things in life. And unfortunately, I wasn’t able to give much attention to my health.
I generally didn’t have any serious problems with my health and I always felt that I was relevantly healthier than most. Therefore questioning what I eat everyday didn’t get my attention. Since I’ve left home, I’ve eaten whenever and whatever is available. Like most of people in modern society, we squeeze our meal times in during our working hours. I developed my own way of my cooking. Whatever I eat should not take more than 15 min to prepare. It has to be quick to cook and also delicious. Because of this, most of the time, I just ate some kind of convenient food or pre-made food.
3 months ago, I finally had time to take a break from work. On my first day from not working in June 2013, my body wanted to get up at 7 AM as usual and get ready to go to work. My brain had to tell my body: “No work to go to today!”. How funny that the body remembers it’s daily routine.
My high blood pressure pill
The first thing I do in the morning is take my high blood pressure pill. Obviously I had too much time to kill. That morning, I was staring at the bottle for a while. It says Lisinopril 7.5 mg daily. I know I’ve been taking this pill ( I don’t even remember when I started to take it) for at least 5 years. So I should be cured by now, right? Yet I’m still taking it. Why? I remember I used to take 5mg but my doc told me that I needed to increase to 7.5mg to control my blood pressure. Why hasn’t the medicine cured the problem? Why am I taking this pill which doesn’t even help me get better? And am I getting even worse than when I started? Why haven’t I questioned this before? All kinds of questions came up in me. So I started to research what ‘High blood pressure” ACTUALLY is.
I am not a doctor so there is a limit to what I can talk about. But one thing I am sure about is that High blood pressure is not a diseases. It is a symptom. Our body is telling us something is wrong. In a home with good clean plumbing pipes the water pressure is normal and the water flows smoothly. But when the pipes get clogged and therefore narrowed, the water pressure becomes much greater.
High Blood Pressure is like this. Our body needs a certain amount of blood. Even if our blood vessels have become narrowed and blocked it will still require the same amount of blood and will push the blood through with more force. This can create a potentially dangerous amount of pressure on our system that could result in a heart attack or stroke. Basically that is what High blood pressure is. Perhaps we know this but we don’t seem to know why the pipes got clogged and narrowed in the first place.
The medicine they give us keeps the blood flowing through our pipes at a lowered pressure to prevent a heart attack or stroke. Which is great. But doesn’t this mean that less blood is being supplied to our organs? How are they to get all blood they require?
I was thinking when I was little, I did not have any of these problems. Obviously I ate well, food was always on time, not precessed, we rarely had meat and I was much less stressed for sure. I was always running, jumping and playing with friends. Fresh/real food and exercise regularly and non stop laughing.
I’ve been taking the pill for 5 years and yet I’m still taking it because I haven’t done anything about the actual problem. Therefore I’ll have to take the pill forever and will likely have to increase the dosage from time to time because the problem will only get worse. This is why I wanted to try fixing the root of the problem and started looking into my diet as a way to fix this.
My veggie juice diet
That is how I started to my new diet: I changed my diet to 90% vegetables, including drinking veggie juice and 10% fish (once every one or two weeks). After 1 month I reduced my pill from 7.5mg to 5 mg a day. During this time I checked my high blood pressure at least 3 times per day. I could clearly see it getting lower and lower slowly. Then I reduced the pill to 2.5 mg while still monitoring my blood pressure often. Currently I am not taking the pill at all anymore. My blood pressure is now pretty much normal.
Veggie Juice
Sometimes if i eat some cookies or any processed food I can see it go up for sure. But mostly it stays between 110 to 120 and lower pressure is around 70 to 80 ish.
My juice diet is especially great. I am getting more nutrition than ever and it is a perfect way for me to carry on especially when I get busy again. I found drinking fresh veggie / fruit juice is the best way for me to keep my healthy life style. I make veggie juice for 2 days and drink it 2-3 times per day. If I am too busy for food, at least I can drink veggie juice to give me some nutrition. After this, I noticed that I feel less desire for fried or precessed food. Surprising my veggie food is giving me a noticeable glow that even other people have noticed.
Atherosclerosis is the usual cause of heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral vascular disease, what together are called “cardiovascular disease.” Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer in America, with more than 800,000 deaths in 2005.
If this is really caused from what we eat then why don’t we eat right? Some people would rather eat what they want and risk having a shorter life than eating properly to ensure a longer life. After I started on my veggie diet and especially after my 3 day fast, the food I used to eat didn’t taste the same anymore. My tongue doesn’t seem to like them anymore. It definitely changed.
Fresh local veggies taste so good and fruits are so sweet and delicious now. I feel like I’ve never tasted them before. The more and more veggies I eat the taste seems to get better and better. So I am not sure that the food we think we are dying for is actually real or not. It seems to me that the cleaner your body gets you can taste the real taste of food much better.
My 3 month journey with food was amazing. In the beginning, because I only ate veggies, I felt weak for a while. After the juice fast, my energy seemed consistence and stronger for sure.
My 3 day fast
This is the note I wrote on Facebook during my 3 day fast:
Now a-days it is very easy to get any food you want and we often eat food which we should really be careful of. I’ve never thought about the consequences of what food I ate. Why do we have to have the right nutrition? How does our body react with them? Apparently our body is a big hospital full of amazing doctors. As long as you put the right ingredients into yourself it will self repair. What you eat explains everything.
I believe that the cleaner my body is, the wiser and closer to happiness I become.
I am still fighting with temptations of eating a lot more than I should and can’t resist some sweets now and then. But I would never go back to the point in my life where I required a pill. I now realize my body, mind and happiness are all working together. I believe that the cleaner my body is, the wiser and closer to happiness I become.